Printer Services | Bit International

Printer Services

We all know that the commencement of advanced technologies and innovative ideas has made tools and equipments very fast and at the same time very effective. When it comes to printers, it is the same. There are many companies that are producing some of the finest printers in the business. Every day they are trying their best to put something extra so that it can be utilized 100%. Manufacturers are looking to change the good printers to best printers and in the process, it is becoming very difficult for the common man to understand the installation process, set up and also many printer related issues. There are many printer issues that are bugging the users all over the world. That is why we have come forward to help you with your printer issues. We assist you in all kinds of printer issues or installation process. We act as a remote assistant. A step wise guide can be of great help in such cases and we provide you with the same. There is a whole set of printer issues that can frustrate you such as updates, drivers, unsupported operating system and many more. We are equipped with some of the finest professionals in the business who provide you with the best solutions via one to one call services. Online guidance is very much popular as it is quite impossible or unnecessary for you to send your printer for fixing when you can do it sitting at your home. We try to detect the root cause through root cause analysis and try to solve the issue then and then. This ensures that you don’t have to fix the issue again and again. This increases our customer loyalty and confidence.
Set up wireless printers:
Setting up a wireless printer can be a complicated process unless you have our guidance that is step by step process of getting your WiFi wireless printer set up.
Want to fix printer issues?
There are several printer issues that you might encounter such as paper jams, slow internet connections, printer installation etc. We help you to sort out these issues and fix them. We are proficient with almost the latest brands of printers in the market.
Latest printer drivers
Almost all of the latest brand printers are tracked by us and hence it enables you to download the latest printer drivers of all the brands and install them by using our step wise installation process.
Update printer drivers
Updates are very important if you want your printer to work easily and effectively with changing and upgrading operating systems and that is why here we help you to update your printer drivers.
Smart Devices Support
In the advanced printers, there are options for you to connect your devices such as the iPhone. We guide you in this process of setting up the smart devices to your wireless printer.
Common printer issues
SET up issues
Paper Jam issue
Ink Cartridge problems
No connectivity problems
Unsupported OS
Unsupported versions
Printer networking issues
Laser printer issues
Unable to print from iPad
Why to choose us?
We provide you with the best solutions in the business.
We are equipped with some of the finest professionals in the industry.
Chat, connectivity ensures fast solutions

Do we need the MAC address in a wireless network?
The Media Access Control is provided by the manufacturer, allocated to each adapter.
Which is more costly? Wired or wireless printers
The cost is more or less same for both Wired and wireless printers
Why do people prefer wireless printers?
You can access smart devices and computers using wireless printers. You can access it from a remote location.
How secure is the wireless printer?
It depends on your network. If you have a secured network, then your wireless printer is as secure as your wired printer
How to connect the printer?
There are 2 ways of doing that. For wired connection you need to connect your printer to your network router using an Ethernet network cable and for wireless connections you need to connect your printer to the wireless network using the display screen